I had a ball watching/catching up with everyone again and meeting new people. I had a nice talk to Jeff Toohey who kindly offered to get my bike dirty , he's awesome, what a great bloke and to smash out the quickest lap time of 17mins... insane!! I also met Bozza a Ay Up - Hammer Nutrtion rider, at first I was talking to Hill Billy about riding, my sponsor and eventually getting a coach and Bozza heard and recommended me a guy. Soon after I realised I recognised him from somewhere- his riding his blog of course! So I went back and introduced myself, it was good meeting you mate and awesome racing hopefully see you around. Great effort to everyone else who placed and gave it a crack. I'm certainly glad my bike stayed clean!
See ya round the playground!!!
Like wise meeting you mate the guys i mentioned is Mark Fenner here is his Blog http://ftptraining.wordpress.com/ He is the current world# 3 24hr solo champ
Nice bike and very nice results so far Brad. Good luck with it all. See you when I'm back later in July. Russ.
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