Monday, January 18, 2010

LunarC 8 hour 12pm - 8am

Well, where to start..
Late friday arvo I get a good old text from Declan asking whether I wanna come out with Hub Cap and him self to the new event put on by In 2 Adventure called "LunarC 8 hour". He also said do you drink Rum.. Two yes's later and I was ready to go. Declan and I were spectators/support. Hub Cap wasn't racing serious because he had spent all day on the bike before hand and Declan and I missed two of his four laps! OOPS!
Anyway, one drink after another.. the louder we got, the more annoying we got, the more clothes we dropped, the more fun had and more enjoyable it became.. I haven't heard any negative feedback about our support and encourgement so I think everyone enjoyed the help up the hill!Heres a qoute from a MTBdirt forum member Hungry Stu

"So, I'm in my camp site, the family is asleep 1m away, tucked up nicely in their beds. I've just comleted lap 4 so its still early in the race and I'm having a little lie down to try and relax my back and neck. When two very enthusiastic supporters stumble in rattling rum cans, shouting exuberant motivational words of wisdom at the top of their lungs and literally pick me up, throw a helmet on top and push me back out onto the trail.

Thanks boys. Although I think the hardest part of the entire event was trying not to fall off my bike coming out of transition as I looked up the hill to see you guys stripped down to your undies passionately encouraging people up the hill whether they wanted it or not. Laugh, man, I nearly spilt a valve!!!! Great work there should be more of it!"

The highlight of our night was running near naked from the bottom of the main climb with Andy Fellows (3rd place 24hr WORLDCHAMP) to the top, with a rum in one hand and cowbell in the other. Andy also managed to down half of Declan's rum can before smashing on another consistent lap time. Than having himself thank Declan and I for our rowdyness after the event was just AWESOME!Other highlights were cheering the Ay Up and For The Riders crew well everyone in general. So many smiles and so much laughter it made my day. Thanks Hubcap, Declan and everyone who was competing. Must say a very well organised event, a top way to start the year. It also sets a high expectation for the events organisers this year.
More photos to be added, hopefully a few of Andy F, The Ay Up and For The Riders crew's!

1 comment:

wallace said...

You took a good picture. I think it's great.
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