Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stopped already

Unfortunately my month of training has been quickly stopped... Sunday I was hit by a car.. The driver didn't see me but thankfully he stopped and so did 4 or 5 others who all ran over to help. The driver than took me home and made sure I was ok while a kind lady took care of my bike. It all happened so quickly and I was very lucky to get away with minor injuries (torn ankle ligiments, gravel rash. 4-6 weeks off at this stage). 1metre to the left and I would of fallen onto a highway and a car width to the right and I would of been under on coming traffic. This accident was my first and was very scary. I now realise how dangerous cycling can be. I didn't do anything wrong but it only takes one mistake or one silly move to take a cyclist out. I got the guys work place name and hopefully will sort out some insurance details soon to cover bike bits that were damaged but the main reason I'm posting this is to thank all the people that stopped. I want you to know I really appreicate your help!

1 comment:

Sean Bekkers said...

hey mate. Not cool but you could have ended up much worse. keep your eyes on the goals and good thing will come your way. Catch you soon take care
